Select Underwriting Opportunity:

Tapping Out
Open Bar underwriting (2 available)
$ 5,000.00
House of Cards
Venue underwriting (1 available)
$ 2,500.00
Sold out
Bet the Farm
Dinner underwriting (4 available)
$ 1,500.00
Sold out
Sweeten the Pot
Dessert underwriting (2 available)
$ 1,000.00
Sold out
Play Your Cards Right
Casino tables (6 available)
$ 1,000.00
Poker Face
Entertainment underwriting (2 available)
$ 1,000.00
Queen of Hearts
Decor underwriting (4 available)
$ 500.00
Sold out
Luck of the Draw
Sponsor a teacher
$ 175.00
Sold out
(The Smith Family, John Smith, etc.)
Do you have matching gift funds available?*
Would You Like to Cover the Credit Card Fees?*
Credit Card Fees are 3%
Name as it appears on your credit card*
Billing Address*

Be sure and check your Grand Total Amount is correct prior to submission.